How To Deep Clean A Gas BBQ?
Barbecue is always and everywhere, but after the barbecue is before the barbecue and at some point inevitably comes the certainty that we have to deal with the cleaning of the BBQ. Cleaning a gas BBQ is half as bad and no big task. Basically, we differentiate between two types of cleaning: cleaning directly after grilling and thorough cleaning when needed. Here are some tips on how to perfectly clean and keep your gas grilling machine clean.
What You’ll need for BBQ Cleaning
You should have these cleaning tools ready:
fine steel wool
mild dish soap
soft cloth and / or sponge
small aluminum drip cups
sharp, small knife
brass brush
stainless steel brush
vacuum cleaner
Tip: There are a variety of grill brushes in the market.
Choose the one that fits best in your hand.
BBQ Cleaning – that should be done after each use
Even if your house is clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be happy there is always a time for BBQ cleaning, because the grates need to be cleaned after every use. The question of whether it is a big or small BBQ is irrelevant. This work has to be done after every barbecue. Finally, the BBQ should run properly for the next grilling.
After grilling, many leftovers on the top and bottom of the grates are stored. This may be marinade, remaining spice from the meat or cheese from the burger. So as not to run the risk that your barbecue will start to mold you should clean the grates after each barbecue.
To clean the grates, use a stainless steel brush and lightly brush the grill. You may also use a gentle cleaner for the grates. Another method for a gas BBQ with lid is to burn down clean. The grill grates is simply left in the BBQ for the cleaning process. Close the lid and turn to maximum heat for at few minutes. In this process, the excess fat burns in and falls off by itself. A good indicator of when the grill is burnt free is the amount of smoke rising from your grill. At the very beginning, when the BBQ is heating up and the leftovers begin to char, the smoke will be stronger than a few minutes after the BBQ has reached its full temperature. If the BBQ does not smoke, or only slightly smokes you can open the lid and look inside. Here, all the leftovers that were still to be found on the grill grates should already be charred white. These residues are now nothing more than ashes. This ashes can be easily solved with a grill brush from the rust and the grill brush is not stuck to any residues. Your cleaning of the grill is already completed and you can provide the grill after cooling with a cover to look forward to the next barbecue. Optionally, you can also wipe and clean the outer parts of the grill, such as the hood, spars, side panels … with a soft cloth and a mild detergent in a quick pass.
Tip: With the grates removed, the easiest way to clear out the bottom of your gas grill, is to use a special vac cleaner which is able to suck up ashes as well as greasy bits.
BBQ Cleaning Thouroughly – that should be done monthly
The bad news in advance. Your BBQ will never look like the first day! You can at least halfway get the BBQ clean again. If it is made of stainless steel you shouldn’t use hard scouring sponges (or wire sponges) because otherwise you will scratch the whole BBQ. It is always advised too sharp cleaners from the “special department” in the supermarket. Much easier and without the big chemical club you can clean the BBQ but also with soapy water or vinegar. It may take a little longer, but you do not have to buy extra acid-resistant gloves and a body suit and goggles.
Add to that the many cleaners that attack surfaces in your BBQ’s. However, many manufacturers rely on a cooking chamber made of aluminum die casting which can be damaged under certain circumstances. So you not only destroy your BBQ, but at the same time your warranty. So if you want to resort to special cleaners you should ask the dealer for suitable BBQ cleaners. With a little patience (soak the dirt before) and a good dose of muscle lard your grill can also bring so wonderfully high gloss.
If you are a multi-griller, you should definitely disassemble the BBQ once a month and thoroughly rid the individual parts of dirt and grease. For this purpose, split off the gas completely. Then loosen the screws and soak them in a soapy water. Because especially in these places, the fat likes to set. If you did not clean this area, you might not be able to open the screws after a few applications. Also, make sure that the bolt anchors are thoroughly cleaned. Stubborn residues can be optimally removed with a steel wool cushion. If this measure is not successful, use a small knife and scrape off the stubborn residues.
After cleaning, it is important to dry the parts well. Therefore install the parts individually and well ventilated. If you barbecued only a few times you can extend the period a bit. However, the BBQ should be cleaned at least every three months. The reason is the fat. Fat eats the material and damages it sustainably.
Cleaning the burner is also an important step that should be taken from time to time. Although it is unlikely that the grease reaches the burner, it is not impossible. Therefore, you should manually remove clogged holes from dirt.
Cleaning lava stones
If you have a gas BBQ that works with lava stones, it makes sense to clean the stones after each use. One easy method is to wash off the still warm lava stones in a mild soapy solution. For this purpose, a conventional detergent is best. However, you should be careful not to use perfumed detergent. These perfume particles settle in the lava stones and take on the smell.
After the cleaning process, it is beneficial to reheat the lava stones until all odors are removed. To do this, run the BBQ at maximum heat for a few minutes.
What else has to be considered when cleaning the BBQ
Use only mild detergent that is odorless. Also make sure that the cleaning equipment is of high quality. The inferior materials usually leave unsightly scratch marks in which grease, dirt and rust could accumulate. Another detail that is important for cleaning and your safety is the use of gloves. Bear in mind that the barbecue could still be hot during cleaning.
How often should you do the cleaning
To keep your BBQ clean for a long time, clean all removable parts after each use. Depending on the BBQ, it is sufficient to disassemble and clean it only every three months. We also recommend that you burn the unit clean after each use. Always take the time to clean the gas BBQ thoroughly. Because only when grease and dirt residues are removed, the material is spared and thus extends the life of your BBQ.
Important Cleaning Facts about BBQ’s
How do I clean the BBQ from outside?
Cleaning the BBQ from the outside is not witchcraft. You can either use stainless steel cleaner for stainless steel surfaces or a mild detergent or glass cleaner for any other surfaces. Of course, you should be careful not to use metal sponges or coarse brushes on stainless steel surfaces otherwise the stainless steel will be scratched. With an enamel, however, you can do some more “pressure” because it does not tend to scratch at all. Of course, the grill can also be cleaned well with soapy water and a cloth. If you ever find really stubborn dirt on the grill, you can also treat it with a steam cleaner (as one is present). Otherwise, soak the dirt sufficiently and then wipe it off. The grill should first brush off. when the dirt has turned to ashes.
Can I lay out the cooking chamber with aluminum foil?
You can do it that way, but then it may not be a good idea. Aluminum foil can not be distributed evenly and always throws corners, edges or forms small depressions over time. Exactly these depressions are the ones that can ruin you and your BBQ. Hot grease or oil drips from above the grill into your gas grill and accumulates in such a depression. Murphy’s Law makes it possible for a drop of fat to ignite at the flame of a burner and then land in the small lake of fat. What happens with hot fat you can probably already answer yourself: it starts to burn.
The melting point of a conventional aluminum foil is exactly 1220 °F degrees what an open fat fire can achieve without major problems. Now, the liquefied aluminum foil is distributed in the cooking chamber and becomes firm again when it cools. Any warranty claims will be knocked over your ears and your BBQ will be permanently damaged. Aluminium foil is not an option!
Can I put sand, gravel or stones in the drip tray?
As the name implies, the drip tray is a bowl to catch fat. So it’s not a fat over a year’s gathering. Sand, gravel or stones increase the surface of the fat in addition so that your risk runs that it may be faster to a fat burn so without. If you occasionally empty the bowl and clean it (some manufacturers work here with practical aluminum cups to simply dispose of the fat), so you should easily come without such “tricks” over the year. By the way, you can also use such an aluminum shell more often.
If the bowl is full, the fat is allowed to harden and disposed of in the household waste. The aluminum bowl can now ride a round in the dishwasher and is thus cleaned. It will be gray after flushing, but can easily be used again. By the way, you do not have to change any aluminum bowls after every BBQ. If the bowl is about half full or you mock the grill over the winter, it is advisable to remove the bowl.
What should be considered with cast iron grids?
Cast grates can be cleaned after grilling just like grates made of stainless steel. There are manufacturers who sell special brass brushes for this purpose. From our experience, however, we can tell you frankly that we consider this type of brushing rather for money making. Our cast grates have been cleaned with the brush for years, with which we also clean stainless steel grates. The result is the same and we have no problems today. However, what is important to note in the case of cast iron is the fact that you should grease or oil it for longer periods. For this you just give some vegetable oil on a piece of kitchen roll and spread it on the grid. How to Prevent Your Barbecues from Starting to Rust If they have rust once, you can apply some oil and burn in the grates with burners again.
Should I regularly clean my grates with water?
To make it short: no! Under no circumstances should you regularly clean your grates, burner covers or other attachments with water. Under certain circumstances, the attachments literally rust away under your fingers. Especially the rust and the aroma machines are exposed to the greatest agony. They are heated a lot, cool down quickly, are doused with hot fat, have to withstand spices and especially salt and are constantly in the garden. So if you still need regular water or at worst the dishwasher, the parts will start to rust very quickly. Incidentally, the same applies to the “home remedies”: put rust in the meadow or wrap in damp newspaper. Really use only heat and your brush to clean these parts.
How do I get a dirty grill brush clean again?
You can try to burn the grill brush together with the rust freely. This is ONLY if you have a sufficiently long grill brush has a stable grip. Otherwise, you can try to soak the grill brush in a mixture of soda and vinegar and then pour boiling water over everything. However, if you always wait until the grate burns down properly, you should enjoy your barbecue brush for a long time. Here are doe costs so manageable that it is almost worthwhile to buy a new brush every year.