Do you think
your toilet is
really clean and
free from germs?
No, it is not and even if you clean your toilet properly it is not …
It doesn’t matter how clean the bathroom looks – we all unknowingly breed huge bacterial cultures in it. And only because of one single fatal error. But how is that possible, why is our toilet dirty and contaminated with bacteria? Because there is one thing that we all do when we clean the toilet. After we have scrubbed the bowl with the toilet brush, we put it back wet in its container.
Toilet brush holder acts like an incubator
Well, do you feel caught? Because that’s exactly what our unhygienic mistake is: When scrubbing, the germs are transferred from the toilet to the brush. If we then put the brush back in its holder, we create perfect conditions for bacteria – we breed our own germ cultures in the domestic bathroom. Because the conditions inside the toilet brush holder is perfect. It is nice and humid and usually also pleasantly warm. So it is like “Ping Pong”, the toilet has just been thoroughly cleaned and when we are going to use the brush again, all those little tiny bacteria will be transfered back again. And from there on our body.
Simply clean the toilet brush
The best thing would be to completely dispense with the toilet brush. But it is understandable, if we are armed with this level of knowledge not even with rubber gloves in the shallows of the toilet rim with rag or toothbrush penetrating … Then just rather pay attention to hygiene after brush cleaning. But of course it is not enough to rinse the brush under hot water after brushing. So how do we solve our homemade hygiene problem? The best thing would be to thoroughly bleach it. It reliably kills the bacteria. Then the brush has to be air-dried. Only then may she return to her holder.
But of course that is not really practicable, so we advise on the one hand the toilet brush similar to a toothbrush only a limited period to use, about 3 to 4 months or a proper cleaning every now and then in conjunction with a limited time of use to keep the stress with germs in the fence.
Apart from the toilet brush
The cleaning of the toilet shouldn’t be missed and should be part of the weekly house cleaning. As an alternative to the toilet cleaner, there are some interesting home remedies.
In the fight against limescale and urine stone you do not necessarily have to clean your toilet with special products. Baking soda, cola, denture cleanser and vinegar is working very well too, but no matter which home remedy you are going to use from time to time you should also use a chemical weapon to be on the safe side, a 99,99% killer of germs.
The best home remedies for cleaning toilet
On the toilet, there are some hard to reach places, such as kinked drainpipes. Denture cleaners, however, also attack these soiled areas. Throw two tablets into the drain, wait half an hour and then brush away the remaining dirt.
Cola, too, has unimagined abilities. Pour plenty – well a bottle – into the toilet and let it soak in for 30 minutes. If you want to be on the safe side in the fight against urine stone and lime margins, wait one night before rinsing off. Then remove residues with the brush.
The third home remedy in the league is baking soda. Especially against heavy urine stone sprinkle the powder in the toilet and let it act for a while. Finally, rinse off the powder or use the toilet brush as described above.
Attention! Also your washing machine might be infected
Actually, the washing machine should be the cleanest place in the apartment. But beware, the warm and humid climate is a perfect habitat for a lot of bacteria, germs and mold.
In the drum, but also in hoses and rubber seals can form mold sooner or later. The nasty thing about it is that you often do not recognize the affected areas at first glance.
If there are black marks on washed clothes or musty odors. They can be an indication of mold in the machine.
Tip: To get rid of bacteria and germs it is very important from time to time to wash with detergent powder at the hottest cycle. To make sure that all bacteria and germs is going to be killed it is also recommended to use on top a chlorine-containing bleach.
No matter how often you take a shower and how clean you are, there are numerous bacteria in your underwear, such as the ones from intestine. If you load the washing machine with laundry, the bacteria can easily be transferred to other garments. Tip: Always wash underwear separately.
Most garments can not handle too hot washings. However, germs disappear only at higher temperatures. Either you risk the clothes come in or germs remain after each wash. Tip: Let laundry dry in the sun. Direct sunlight will kill most of the germs.